The Bottega Veneta Intreccio Nappa Dinosaur is a luxurious albeit unexpected piece from the fashion brand as part of its leather goods collection expansion. The objet d’art measures in at 18-centimeters in height and is crafted entirely out of intreccio calf leather with a dark red Barolo color scheme. The leather good has a woven body that shows off a dinosaur-inspired shape and structure that will stand upright with an almost scientific form.
The Bottega Veneta Intreccio Nappa Dinosaur is priced at $1,050 and is part of a larger movement towards home decor releases from high-end fashion brands. This speaks to an increasing demand amongst style-forward consumers for items that extend their personal preferences for fashion into their living space or place of business.
Apple Inc. had some of its best years during the second innings of Steve Jobs as its CEO, and the next year after his death. As Apple came out with stunning …